What’s my car worth? Calculate your car’s value

What's my car worth

Are you thinking of buying a new car? What about your old one? Yes, it is possible to sell the car you are using, or you can say, the car you are using can be exchanged. In Ireland, people are going eco-friendly and are checking for the valuation of their existing cars. Is there any option that helps the car owners to check the car valuation Ireland?

The car valuation depends on the open market selling price of your car and whether you have paid and updated the revenues related to your vehicles. In this blog, the methods by which you can check the car valuation and also the process of calculating the value of your existing car will be discussed.

To get the correct worth of the car, you need to follow certain steps mentioned below.

  • Normally, as the saying goes, the less the mileage, the more the value of your car. The car valuation depends directly on the mileage of the car in relation to the age of the car. No matter what is the age of the car, if it is recent and the mileage is less, you will get a relatively higher valuation of the car.
  • Do you service your car? Yes? Are the providers stamping your service certificate? The car valuation in Ireland is based on the stamped service certificate. If you have the recent stamped copy of your service certificate, the valuation of your car will interestingly increase. If you want to explore or know the exact limit of a mandatory servicing of the car, then it is a maximum limit of up to 5 years. If you recently serviced your car and are thinking of selling it or estimate a value, then you will get a high valuation for your car.
  • If you were going to get a second-hand car, what would you look at first in the car? The system of car valuation in Ireland or anywhere in the world depends on how you take care of the car. If the car is broken or has maximum damages, you will never get an average price of your car. The newer, the higher the price of the car.
  • To increase your car valuation in Ireland, you will need to have a valid National car test certificate in order to sell or buy a car. The NCT is very important for the car owners of Ireland as it decides the valuation of your car.
  • Make sure you have cleared all the revenues related to the roads. The car valuation will automatically increase if the taxes are cleared, the car is clean, and it has a service certificate with proper stampings.

There are different online calculators available online that help you to have an estimation of valuation for your car. The above-mentioned criteria are the most basic and important steps while checking the car valuation in Ireland.


The valuation of the cars is based on the mileage and kilometers used and other basic necessities. You cannot just sell your car at a lower price. You deserve the market value of your car.

People who are keen on car collections often find it difficult to sell them, as they develop emotional attachments with them. The car valuation in Ireland is calculated in a specific way with the exact requirement. We have tried to cover all the criteria above to predict the value of your car.