Methods to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality That Actually Work

Methods to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality That Actually Work

Did you know that indoor concentrations of some pollutants have increased in recent decades? This is due to factors like increased use in furnishings, personal care products, household cleaners, and pesticides.

To keep your indoor air healthy, you don’t have to stop using your favorite products. Instead, consider the different methods to improve indoor air quality.

Keep reading to learn what they are.

Change Your Air Filters

Methods to improve indoor air quality include changing your air filters. Even when you aren’t using your furnace or air conditioner, air runs through it before dispersing through the home.

In general, you should change air filters about every three months. This is one of the simplest indoor air quality solutions that homeowners tend to forget about.

Open Windows on Mild Days

It’s common for a home to feel stuffy after a long winter. During a mild day, when you don’t have to use your furnace or AC, consider opening your home windows.

This allows fresh air to circulate through the home instead of relying on still air. Not only will you notice a difference in how the air feels, but you will also improve your indoor air quality.

Install an Air Purification System

For a sure way to keep your home’s air quality high, install an air purification system. There are different systems and devices you can choose from.

For example, you can install an air sterilizer or a standalone air purifier.

These systems will work alongside your furnace to remove allergens, viruses, and other bacteria from the air. These airborne pathogens aren’t visible to the eye, making them more dangerous.

Typically, air purification methods offer more benefits for your home than the standard HEPA filters on the market. Having both is an ideal solution for many homeowners.

Check Carbon Monoxide and Radon Detectors

Carbon monoxide and radon are both odorless and colorless. They can present a problem in your home without your knowledge.

To ensure your safety and your indoor air quality, check your carbon monoxide and radon detectors. If you don’t currently have them, get them installed and working properly.

Schedule Preventative Maintenance

To improve indoor air quality throughout the life of your home, you need an efficient HVAC system. To keep it as effective as possible, schedule preventative maintenance at least once per year.

Professional technicians can clean your system and check for signs of wear and tear. If you have damage, they can catch it before it becomes a significant problem.

Preventative HVAC system maintenance can prevent future breakdowns and keep your air clean and healthy.

Try These Methods to Improve Indoor Air Quality

New air filters, fresh air, air purification systems, and HVAC preventative maintenance are all methods to improve indoor air quality. You can also use carbon monoxide and radon detectors to check for unhealthy air.

To keep you and those in your home safe and healthy, you need to consider indoor air quality solutions. Use this guide and check out other helpful tips on our blog to improve your home!