5 Ways to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs

5 Ways to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs

Burning, red legs are not only painful but unattractive to look at. If you get strawberry legs from shaving or waxing, this is the guide for you.

Wondering about the different answers on how to get rid of strawberry legs? Keep reading to discover five solutions.

1. Use a Sharp, Clean Razor

Shaving with an old or dull razor blade without shaving cream is a common cause of strawberry legs.

One of the simplest answers to how to get rid of strawberry legs is using a sharp, clean razor with moisturizing shaving cream.

Find a cream that keeps the skin moist and warm. Shave in the direction that your leg hair grows to prevent razor bumps and burns. Be gentle with your shaving strokes for the best results.

Do this in the shower when your legs are clean of dead skin and excess oil that could otherwise clog your razor.

2. Exfoliate and Moisturize

After you shave, it’s important to exfoliate and moisturize your legs. You should be doing this regularly to remove dead skin and make it easier for new hair to grow. This keeps your pores and hair follicles from clogging.

Use a clean loofah or washcloth to clean your legs and moisturize them to keep them hydrated. Moisturizing can prevent another strawberry leg outbreak from occurring.

Avoid using products with dyes and fragrances that can irritate your legs.

3. Try an Epilator

An epilator is a personal electrical device that removes hair directly from the root. It is similar to waxing but causes fewer skin injuries. It doesn’t have a risk of causing folliculitis like shaving or waxing.

You will feel some discomfort using this device. For most, it feels like using powerful tweezers. It is bearable for users because you only use it once every two to three weeks.

4. Consider Permanent Hair Removal

If you don’t want to deal with the constant upkeep that comes with shaving and waxing, consider permanent hair removal. Laser hair removal or electrolysis can remove hair safely while preventing strawberry legs.

The most effective way to treat strawberry legs is by fixing the problem from the source. Permanent hair removal attacks the root of the hair.

Keep in mind that this method doesn’t always prevent hair from growing back. You might have to complete multiple sessions to get the solution you are looking for.

Full-body laser hair removal cost is higher than laser hair removal of just the legs.

5. Turn to Medical Therapies

If you go to a dermatologist for strawberry legs, they might recommend medication or chemical exfoliants to remove dead skin cells.

Therapies can treat and prevent strawberry legs in the future. They also work to avoid irritation that other methods may cause. Instead of scrubbing, dead skin cells are dissolved and washed away with water.

How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs: Explained

Knowing how to get rid of strawberry legs can help you get smooth skin and increase your confidence. There are different methods you can try to avoid spending a lot of money.

Use a sharp, clean razor, exfoliate often, and moisturize. If you can spend a little extra money, try an epilator or permanent hair removal. If these don’t work, turn to medical therapies.

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