Activities you can do after knee replacement

A knee replacement has become a common procedure in the present time. Many people suffer from various knee injuries after which the doctors suggest them knee replacement surgery. This kind of surgery can be successfully performed on the patients and has a high success rate in India. You can get in touch with an expert to get the knee replacement in Delhi.

Once you have fully recovered from this surgery, your doctor advises you to return to all the normal daily activities which were very painful for you to perform earlier, before the surgery. In most of the cases of the knee replacement in Delhi, you can resume many of your normal activities after 12 weeks. However, it is equally important for you to be sure to keep checking with your doctor before you start any new sport or take any other activity that you have been curious about.

Once you are fully recovered and have got home after your knee replacement in Delhi, the key is not to do much too early. Here is an insight into how you must look forward to performing your regular activities after undergoing knee replacement surgery:


In most of the cases, it is very safe to resume driving after knee replacement in Delhi. This is a perfect option to follow if you are no longer on opioid pain medication. You can drive your car when your strength and reflexes have returned to a more normal state.

2.Sexual activity:

It is important for you to consult your doctor about when and how soon you can resume the sexual activity with your partner after knee replacement in Delhi. Depending on your overall health condition, you may be able to resume your sexual life.

3.Sleeping positions:

Your doctor might allow you to sleep safely on your back, on your stomach as well as on either side.

4.Resume to work:

Depending on the kind of activities that you perform at work along with the speed of recovery after knee replacement in Delhi, it may take from various days to weeks before you are completely able to resume to work. Your doctor shall advise you when it is safe for you to return to your workplace.

5.Sports and exercises:

After knee replacement in Delhi, you must continue to do exercises which have been prescribed by your physical therapist for a period of two months after your surgery. In a few cases, your doctor shall also recommend you to ride a stationary bicycle which is mainly advised to maintain the muscle tone and to keep your knee in a flexible state. It is recommended to try achieving a maximum degree of bending and straightening during this exercise. Your doctor may also suggest you walk as much as you like. Swimming is also considered to be an excellent low-impact exercise that you can take after a while.

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6.Air travel:

It is highly recommended to get in touch with your doctor about air travel after you have had knee surgery. This is because changes in pressure and immobility may cause your leg to swell.