The Dangers of a Cracked Foundation

The Dangers of a Cracked Foundation

You’ve bought a new house, but in pre-inspection, you saw no warning signs that your foundation might be cracked. You’ll soon figure it out and realize you are in for a costly repair. This is an all too familiar story that has happened to more people than you think.

Learning the early warning signs that a foundation might be compromised will save you from future headaches. Read on below to find out all you need to know about cracked foundations and how to avoid them.

Early Warning Signs

Not all foundational cracks in a house indicate a problem. In truth, a solid foundation might acquire little cracks at any time. However, if the foundational crack is severe enough, the concrete foundation may disintegrate. Therefore, identify a cracked foundation is of utmost importance.  

The foundation may be in jeopardy if the cracks have grown at a 45-degree angle and are thicker than a hairline fracture. Doors and windows may stick or stay closed as a result of damaged foundations because the house’s structural stability is at risk.

Water Damage

Large foundation cracks might result in a home’s basement becoming moist or even flooding. If not fixed, the water could weaken the support structure and concrete, causing more harm to the foundation.

When a house’s foundation is severely damaged, the walls of the foundation may collapse, or in extreme cases, the house may collapse.

Mold might start to grow in the basement if there is enough water damage and moisture. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the health risks of mold, which include serious damage to the respiratory system.

In addition to posing a risk to one’s health, mold can seriously harm household items, including clothing, food, and furniture.

Structural Damage On a Cracked Foundation

Your foundations may still have structural issues even if it has cracks but no visible signs of water damage. Damaged foundations can result in further housing issues. If the cracks are not fixed, the surrounding concrete may start to crack and crumble.

Invasion of pests is another issue that many homeowners experience as a result of a damaged foundation. Termites, for instance, can wreak havoc on the interior of your walls, floors, and ceiling.

Since these bugs consume plant matter, termites turn to the wood inside your walls as their main food source. If the wooden supports in the house have had water damage and rotting, the likelihood of insect invasions is raised.

Don’t Let a Crack Get You Down

A cracked foundation can cause severe issues to your home and your family’s health. The good news is that identifying a crack early on and getting it sorted out will keep your house structurally sound and your family healthy. Read the early warning signs. 

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