Where to Sell a Used Car Online

Where to Sell a Used Car Online

Did you know that in 2021, the used car market size in the United States was valued at $1.57 trillion?

When the time comes to sell a used car, where do you turn? For most people, selling a car usually means dealing with a dealership, and it’s often a long and drawn-out process.

That’s why these days, more people are opting for online alternatives. Please keep reading to find out our top guide on where to sell a used car online.

Facebook Marketplace

The best place to sell a used car online is sites like Facebook Marketplace to reach a large audience of people who might be interested in your car. The marketplace is great for selling a car because it is free to use, and you can reach many people.

Be sure that your car is clean and presentable when selling it. You should take the time to create a good listing for your car, including some photos and detailed descriptions. Also, look for shops or services, such as those about ceramic coating for cars and proper repairs that can add value to your vehicle. 


Craigslist is a popular classifieds website that’s easy to use and reaches a large audience when selling your used car. Be sure to include information on its make, model, year, mileage, and any features or flaws.

Research similar used cars online to get an idea of a fair price. Once you’ve listed your car, be prepared to answer potential buyers’ questions. If you’re selling a vehicle privately, meet buyers in a public place and bring a friend or family member with you.


The most common and straightforward way to sell a used car is on Autotrader. On their site, you can list your car for sale for free, and they will also provide you with other options to help you sell your car, such as listing it on their site as a featured listing for a fee. You can also pay to advertise your car on their site and in their app.


Cars.com is a classified site specifically for cars, so it is a great place to start when looking to sell a used car online. Another option is to list the car on a general classifieds site like eBay. These sites may get a little more traffic than a specialized site like cars.com, but potential buyers may not be as serious about buying a car as they would be on a site like cars.com.

Whichever route you choose, make sure you have proper maintenance on your car and write an honest description to attract the most interested buyers.

Best Places Where to Sell a Used Car Online

Looking where to sell a used car online can be daunting, but with a bit of research and preparation, it can be a relatively straightforward process. Several sites allow you to list your car for sale, and each has its own set of rules and regulations. With a little effort, you can find a buyer for your car in no time.

You can also check out our other blogs for more tips and information.