How Can An Email Marketing Funnel Help Grow Your Amazon Business?

How Can An Email Marketing Funnel Help Grow Your Amazon Business

Do you want to give a push to your Amazon business using the email marketing funnel? If yes, continue reading to find out how!

Since its emergence in 1978, email marketing has increasingly become an essential part of any marketing campaign. Especially in the modern days – when technology has infiltrated almost every single aspect of life – digital marketers continue to favor this time-honored approach.

Unfortunately, most ads emails sent to customers nowadays are sorted into Spam and are never opened. This is when the email marketing funnel comes in handy and solves the problem.

So, what exactly is an email marketing funnel? And how can you apply such techniques to boost your Amazon business? Let’s have a look at the article here!

What’s An Email Marketing Funnel?


The email marketing funnel refers to the 5-stage procedure of optimizing the email chain sent to customers. Instead of sending unnecessary content over and over again at the expense of customers’ convenience and comfort, a marketing funnel helps businesses collect better insights, provide tailored emails for the target audience, and ultimately increase the conversion rate.

5 stages of the email marketing funnel

The idea behind an email marketing funnel is that businesses need to gradually plant a seed inside potential customers’ heads, then take care of it regularly until the brand name and products of the company are deep-seated. This explains why any standard email marketing funnel would urge you to closely follow its 5 phases for optimal results.

Brand awareness

If you are approaching new customers, do not overwhelm them with your exhaustive listing promotion codes. Instead, you can kick off by sending new subscribers information about your business.

For example, what are your brand’s core values? What makes your company different from other competitors? Has your brand engaged in activities that adhere to the work ethics as preached? Is there any proof of your brand’s popularity?

Try to address these questions as truthfully as possible. Appeal to the potential customers as individuals before bombarding them with commercial content. You have to get them hooked on your brand before proceeding to the next step.


Now that your automated email marketing has managed to catch customers’ attention, it is time to offer customers more insights into how your businesses can handle customers’ pain points.

Detailed online guidance and informative blogs are a great way to start, as they show customers how your products or services are designed to support their lives. Create a sense of necessity and gently convince your email subscribers that whatever your company has to give would significantly improve their livelihoods.


If executed flawlessly, the two previous steps in your marketing funnel will ultimately turn subscribers into customers. Now, make sure the mail contains all customers need to decide upon purchases: a link or other visuals that directly lead to the payment page, an exclusive deal catered to first-time buyers (promo codes, free shipping, etc.), and a subtle copy that once again emphasizes the urgency of buying this item.

Once the order is already placed, a simple thank-you email with updates on the status of your customers’ package is enough. No need to bombard your converted customers right after they just bought your product, as it might come off as insensitive and annoying.


After rigorously converting new customers, efforts should be made to maintain and improve the customer retention rate (the percentage of people who come back for another purchase).

You can start by sending them tips and tricks regarding their latest purchase to increase satisfaction. Furthermore, keep them posted with your business’s activities by monthly brochures, new listings, and any other content that reinforce their commitment to your brand. But remember to keep your emails at a reasonable pace so that your customers do not feel put off.


For any marketing campaign, the end goal is the customers themselves to become micro ambassadors for the brand. Thanks to the rise of social media platforms, this task has been easier than ever since, so many people are more than eager to give comments and feedback all over the place.

What can you do to get these customers on your side besides ensuring the top-notch quality of your products and customer service? Send personalized emails, including special discounts for those with repeated purchases and multiple good reviews to engage them further. If possible, you can even create an affiliate program for these buyers to attract a larger audience.

How Can Your Amazon Business Benefit From Email Marketing Funnel?


With the growing competitiveness of Amazon, a well-crafted chain of emailscan be the key to increase your conversion rate, especially when it is targeted at new customers.

Using the email marketing funnel, you can generate more traffic to visit your Amazon store and make the best out of the existing traffic at the same time. It is not to mention that emails are reusable, so you only need to invest in an appropriate email chain once.

How To Apply Email Marketing Funnel To Your Amazon Business?

Setting up a chain of emails sent to thousands of customers and making sure they all comply with the marketing funnel can be rather challenging for Amazon businesses, not least if you do not have the specialty or previous knowledge in this area.

Therefore, we suggest that you take advice from professionals who are familiar with the field for the best result. Olifant Digital is one of them, with extensive experience in the applications of the email marketing funnel. By researching your target audience and gathering vital insights, they will come up with templates, copy and visuals. All you have to do is to make necessary adjustments and reuse them for life.


The concept of an email marketing funnel is difficult to grasp at first, but its impact on both potential and loyal customers is undeniable. So next time, when you think about how to maximize the profits of your Amazon business, follow the five stages and see how they can work wonders for your favor!