Do All International Schools Offer International Education?

The education landscape is evolving rapidly. Thanks to globalization, international schools are growing in number, and more and more people are considering enrolling their kids in them. With the demand so high, many questions are arising about the education offered at international schools. Is it really an international education?

What is international education?

International education can be defined as a comprehensive approach to education that broadens perspectives, promotes diversity, and fosters creativity and innovation across all borders. Because of globalization, education has evolved, making it easier for families to work and study abroad. This has spurred the need for an education that captures the essence of this diversity. 

The best international schools in Dubai, for example, provide education to mobile expatriate families who work for international businesses, foreign embassies, etc. based in the area. This means that the student population consists of children from different parts of the world, each with different languages and learning styles. 

The concept of international education is twofold. As students study at international schools, they become part of an international community and have access to different cultures, languages, and perspectives. The academic environment you are learning in is also international as it encourages inclusivity among students where differences such as their culture or language could be obstacles. 

What curriculums are offered at international schools?

To answer the question, yes, all international schools offer international education since they offer one or more of the following curricula. Unlike national curricula, these curricula provide a holistic approach to education by balancing academic excellence with other aspects of student growth, such as excelling in sports, arts, leadership skills, and other universal values. 

Global Montessori Plus (GMP)

This system offers a blend of the Montessori pre-school teaching approach and the best teaching practices of the modern era. This education system is aimed at giving preschoolers a strong foundation in their school life. Through targeted programming, GMP facilitates quicker cognitive, expressive, and motor skill development. However, it also fosters a sense of social responsibility, cultural and environmental consciousness, which are key to providing a holistic education. While preparing kids for their school life, this program enables them to reach their full potential by offering an age-appropriate learning environment that acknowledges their individuality and meets them where they are. 

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

The CBSE takes a holistic teaching approach that enables students to pursue their academic and extracurricular interests. The curricula prepare kids from classes 1 to 12 through rigorous all-round training to facilitate entry into world-leading universities. This education system focuses on skill-based learning through job-oriented inputs and student-centric teaching methodologies. 

The CBSE curricula change the workload as students advance to higher levels. Until the 8th-grade school work is not too much, learning becomes a bit more rigorous onwards. However, the program’s flexibility allows students to pursue academic and personal excellence, thus discovering who they are. It is also very inclusive to all kinds of learners; children with learning disabilities are exempt from traditional forms of assessment and are assessed on something they can do instead. 

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

Developed by the Cambridge International Examinations, this program is ideal for students aged 14 to 16 years. It is equivalent or the GCSE in the UK or the international GSE O-Levels. The program is aimed at developing critical skills through creative thinking, inquiry, innovation, and problem-solving. It lays the groundwork for subsequent higher learning. It has a flexible framework that allows students to choose subjects as per their interests and abilities. Systematic and continuous evaluation enables educators to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses and ensure that their needs are met. The knowledge acquired helps students transition into the next phase of their learning more easily. 

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International Baccalaureate curriculum offers programs that focus on both personal and academic excellence. These programs are meant to help children develop their intellectual, emotional, mental, personal, and social skills, thus receiving a holistic education. The IB curriculum has programs for children between 3 and 19. These include the primary school program IB PYP, which prepares students to be active, caring, and eternal learners who are respectful. It’s for children between 3 to 12 years. 

Next is the middle years program for children between 11 and 16, presents a more challenging framework that encourages students to make practical decisions. The diploma program is by far the most popular offering in the IB curriculum. Developed for students aged 16 to 19, this program aims to prepare them for university by developing them physically, emotionally, ethically, and intellectually. 

International education is a combination of individuals and learning methodologies with a global perspective that ensures students are exposed to various cultures, religions, and languages. This enriches society and broadens academic excellence by creating a multicultural learning environment that is international schools. 


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