5 Most Common Cosmetic Procedures in 2022

5 Most Common Cosmetic Procedures in 2022

Rapid weight loss plans haven’t worked quite as you expected. And hours at the gym seem to produce nothing more than a change to your bank balance.

And sadly, no one has yet invented a skin cream that gives you the smooth, plump, glowing skin of a teenager.

But that doesn’t mean you need to give up on your beauty goals. Cosmetic treatment advances mean you have lots of highly effective and safe surgeries available to help you get the look you want.

Check out our guide to the top five most common cosmetic procedures in 2022. 

1. Body Contouring

Cosmetic surgery clinics are experiencing a gradual rise in inquiries from men and women for body contouring.

Body contouring refers to plastic surgery that helps shape the body towards a modern Western aesthetic ideal—muscular and broad shoulders for men, a curvaceous “hourglass” shape for women.

Body contouring includes a wide range of cosmetic treatments to help patients achieve their final look.

That might include liposuction to remove fat deposits and slim down the body. It could also include skin tightening to produce a smoother, more athletic appearance.

It might also include breast or chest implants to help create a more shapely upper body. More recently, people are starting to have other cosmetic surgeries as part of a body contouring treatment, such as lifting the buttocks.

This treatment is for those wanting a drastic change. It needs careful planning beforehand from an experienced surgeon to maximize your chances of getting the final look you want with the surgery.    

2. Brazilian Buttlift

Body shapes change, as do health and fitness trends. The slim, aerobic look of the 80s or 90s is a dramatic contrast to the muscular look of today’s influencers and models.

A quick browse through beauty and fashion pages on social media reveals toned, shaped bodies carved from months of dedicated and challenging heavy weight lifting regimes.

But for many naturally thin and willowy body shapes, getting the pert, full buttock shape is difficult. Some people turn to cosmetic alternatives to help achieve that fashionable Instagram-inspired bikini look.

A Brazilian butt lift involves taking excess fat from other body areas using liposuction. Once extracted, that fat is injected around the buttocks to help create a more full, curved lower body shape.

The surgery involves small incisions into the skin, closed using stitches. So you will need to allow time to heal after this operation. Clinics typically undertake this treatment for patients under a general anesthetic. 

3. The Facelift

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures for the face, such as threading and ultherapy, have become more prevalent. However, that trend has now started to wane.

Surgical facelifts offer a more permanent solution to those wanting a tighter face and jawline. They are the best-kept secret of many beautiful celebrities over 50! 

The skin is lifted and reattached using minor incisions, minimizing visible scarring and creating a lift that encompasses the deepest layers of skin. 

One of the reasons facelifts are now seeing a rise in popularity is improvements in facelift surgery.

Compared to decades ago, facelifts don’t have as many serious risks. Good surgical skills help people achieve a more natural-looking result.

Before embarking on a facelift, book a consultation with a surgeon who’ll examine your skin and general health to see if you are a suitable candidate.

Always research the risks of undertaking permanent cosmetic surgery and how long it will take you to recover. You can discover more here about recovery time and tips on planning your facelift treatment thoroughly.

4. The Neck lift

It’s not just the face that shows signs of aging.

We live in the era of video calls. It’s a time when harsh light and unflattering cameras shine a spotlight on our flaws. And many people are starting to realize how much a sagging neck can age your appearance.

A neck lift can hide the tell-tale signs of old age, such as loose or sagging skin. And it’s the best cosmetic procedure for a double chin as it will reduce fat deposits from around the neck area. 

A neck lift is a popular treatment choice for achieving a more beautiful, slim, and youthful side profile.

As with a facelift, there are non-surgical options, including ultrasound or micro-threading. But for a more permanent and dramatic makeover, you’ll need a traditional neck lift.

A traditional lift involves making a small incision in the skin and lifting it higher up around the jaw to tighten the neck area.

If this treatment appeals to you, always do your research to find an experienced surgeon. Take time to inquire about the risks and recovery time for this procedure.

5. The New Mom Makeover

Pregnancy often takes a heavy toll on the body, as any new mom will testify. Large baby bumps followed by fast postpartum weight loss will leave a new mom with excess skin around the stomach area.

Fat loss around the breasts after a mom stops breastfeeding can sometimes lead to sagging and lack of fullness.

A mom makeover helps a woman postpartum get their body back to its previous shape. That might include a breast lift and augmentation, skin removal, and tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck is also an effective treatment for women suffering visible stretch marks after birth.  

Occasionally, a mom makeover may include liposuction to help tackle stubborn fat areas on the body that women find difficult to remove via exercise or diet. 

Women’s bodies take time to recover after childbirth, so don’t consider this cosmetic surgery too soon.

However, it might be an option if you have lost weight after birth but still find it challenging to achieve the body shape you desire.

Get The Look You Want With Modern Cosmetic Procedures

Don’t wait months or years to see incremental changes from diet or exercise. You need to opt for the proven route if you want a dramatic look. Choose safe and popular cosmetic procedures to get the body you want in 2022.

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