Top 5 ways to lower your blood sugar level

It is a relief for diabetes patients to check their blood sugar levels and find them within the normal limits. Can Lifestyle changes reduce the risk factors of diabetes? The diabetologist in Nagpur says that it is possible to avoid diabetes with proper lifestyle assessment. According to the CDC, maintaining blood sugar levels isn’t a short-term goal for diabetes patients. Blood sugar management prevents or delays diabetes complications like kidney failure and Nerve diseases. It changes the course of the disease to some extent. Dr. Vina bang states that it is essential for people with type 2 diabetes to curb their blood sugar levels with dietary approaches.

Eating a balanced diet eliminates the requirement of medications.

Diabetologists say that poking yourself with insulin is not funny. Since diabetes is a progressive disease, it is essential to find out ways to combat disease. Keep reading to learn four ways by which you can mitigate the risk of diabetes.

Keep an eye on the carb intake.

The diabetologist in Nagpur says that a sugar-free diet is helpful for patients with type 2 diabetes. Carbs are components that cause your blood sugar to fluctuate periodically. 

Note that STNDRD carb intake varies from one person to the other. CDC claims that type 2 diabetes patients try to keep their carbohydrate counts within 200 to 245 grams per day. From there, make an advertisement for the carbohydrate intake as suggested by the dietician. Carbohydrate is not only present in the culprits like Pasta, potatoes, and bread. Vegetables, milk-based products, Fruits, and Sweets also contain carbohydrates. 

Diabetes patients should follow diets rich in fiber.

Dr. vina bang asks you to follow a diet that is rich in fiber when you have diabetes. The more roughage you have, the easier it becomes to control blood sugar levels. In addition, fiber plays a crucial role in weight management and can reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Eating a diet rich in fiber helps reduce the odds of developing type 2 diabetes. Diet rich in fiber lessens the odds of type 2 diabetes by fifteen to nineteen percent compared to a low-fiber diet.

Having 6 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep keeps your blood sugar low.

Diabetologists claim that lack of sleep affects your health while getting more reduces the odds of diabetes. Diabetology conducted a survey in 2015 where people who slept only for four to five hours got diagnosed with increased fatty acid in the blood. Lack of sleep causes harm to your health and might be liable for stroke, heart disease, and obesity. The National Sleep Foundation recommends you aim for 6 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. 

Drink sufficient water to keep your blood sugar level controlled.

By staying hydrated, you can keep your blood sugar controlled. Dr. vina bang claims that the more you drink water, the less likely you are to develop diabetes. Research demonstrates that people who have less than half a liter of water every day are on the verge of developing diabetes.