5 Common Bathroom Renovation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Bathroom Renovation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

If you’re getting ready to renovate your bathroom, you’re in good company. Bathroom renovations remain the second-most popular home renovation that homeowners undertake.

Despite its popularity, bathroom renovation projects are rarely easy. In fact, there’s a lot of room for error, especially if you go in without a plan.

How can you make sure that you don’t end up with unexpected (and unwanted) results? Start by learning what to look out for.

Read on for five of the most common bathroom renovation mistakes to avoid.

1. Hiring Bad Contractors

Before you call up a contractor, make sure that you do your research. Understand what it is that you’ll need from a contractor (ie redoing the plumbing vs a few simple installs) and look at the expertise different contractors bring to the table. If you do nothing else, at least read reviews from previous clients.

2. Not Having a Bathroom Renovation Budget

Unless you’re swimming in dough, you’re going to need to approach your bathroom renovation with a budget. There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of big price tags involved in any home update. The last thing you want is to get halfway through a project and realize that you don’t have any money left to put into it.

3. Missing Key Parts of a Bathroom Renovation Budget

Budgeting poorly is almost as devastating as not budgeting, at all. The biggest thing that homeowners forget to budget for is the unforeseen. Imagine that your glass shower door shatters during install or new bathroom lighting requires upgraded wiring. It is almost guaranteed that some unexpected issue will arise, and you don’t want it to bring your entire renovation to a halt.

4. Buying What You Want Instead of What You Need

You go ahead and buy that dreamy clawfoot tub only to realize that it takes up way more space than you had to spare. You spend all of your money on a high-tech toilet but now, you’re going to have to live with outdated bathroom storage. It’s important that you love your updated bathroom, but functionality is part of that, so make sure that you create a list of must-haves and want-to-haves as you’re creating your budget.

5. Overestimating Your DIY Abilities

Many homeowners hope to save money or stretch a limited budget by taking on the labor of the renovation, themselves. There’s nothing wrong with DIYing when you can, but don’t overestimate your abilities. You can probably learn how to paint a wall on the fly, but things like plumbing, installation, and tiling require know-how.

Avoid These Common Bathroom Renovation Mistakes

It’s no surprise that bathroom renovations remain popular with homeowners. After all, who wouldn’t want their private bathroom to feel like a spa? That said, you’re going to need to avoid these common bathroom renovation mistakes if you want great results.

Looking for tips to create a fool-proof budget for your bathroom renovation? Wondering what your financing options are? Take a look at our finance section for in-depth guides on all things financial.