The Most Common Causes of Divorce

The Most Common Causes of Divorce

There’s nothing pleasant about divorce.

After all, no one ever gets married with the intention of ending the relationship. Even the worst marriages can be heartbreaking when they come to an end. And yet nearly half of all married couples get divorced at some point.

But why is this, and what are the most common causes of divorce? 

Here we take a look at some of the reasons for divorce that most people can probably find pretty relatable. Because the more you understand why relationships fall apart, the better equipped you’ll be to protect your marriage from ending in heartbreak. Keep reading to learn more. 


It should come as no surprise that cheating leads to marriage issues. That’s because infidelity causes a lack of trust that can quickly destroy a relationship.

No matter which party is guilty of infidelity in the relationship, it’s usually nearly impossible to put things back together again. Many people try to move on, but in most cases, once trust is broken, the damage is done.

Financial Problems

Money problems can play a significant role in a marriage breaking apart. This is especially true during times of extreme financial hardship, such as sudden unemployment or massive debt.

Financial issues tend to push couples to their limits and can lead to many other problems that make it nearly impossible to remember the good times or why they originally got married. Thus they decided that a fresh start apart from each other is the best approach.


Stress can come in many different forms. After all, life is full of stressful situations, and they are not limited to financial hardships.

In many situations, stress from work or personal problems can lead to tension in the relationship, and then one or both parties decide they would be happier outside of the marriage.

Lack of Communication

Communication can be incredibly challenging. This is especially true in marriages where the partners stop talking and tensions build to the breaking point. It often becomes easier to resent each other than to open up and heal the pain.

Here’s a resource that can help you recognize when it’s time for a divorce.

Lack of Intimacy

Sex is obviously an incredibly important part of a healthy marriage. Unfortunately, a lack of intimacy can create a divide in the relationship that ultimately leads to infidelity or the desire to end the marriage. 

Physical Or Emotional Abuse

Abuse is another common reason many marriages end in divorce. This can come in the form of physical, emotional, or verbal abuse, and is often a combination of all three.

A Guide to the Most Common Causes of Divorce

Most marriages don’t come to an end for no reason at all. And yet every relationship has a different story. Fortunately, this guide to the most common causes of divorce provides insight into the average marriage in the United States.

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