3 of the Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

On average, there are 6 million car accidents in the US every single year with more than 90 people dying in car accidents every single day, taking up a large portion of motor vehicle accident lawsuit cases.

If you want to know the most common motor vehicle accidents that happen and some preventative measures to take, then you’ll definitely want to keep reading on!

1. Parking Lot Collisions

Picture this. You’re pulling out of your parking spot after picking up groceries, and all of a sudden a car comes out of nowhere and hits the side of your vehicle. You’ve just experienced a parking lot collision and you may be wondering at that point what to do.

Parking lot collisions are motor vehicle accidents that happen when someone hits your parked car when you’re not in it, or when your car is hit in the process of driving through a parking lot. The best prevention is going slowly and making sure you’re observing your surroundings. 

2. Motorcycle Accident

It shouldn’t be surprising that motorcycle accidents have made it onto our list. A lot of people don’t see a motorcycle coming until it’s too late. Motorcycle accidents also have the highest fatality rate because of the impact of being hit by a car.

When you wreck your bike whether by yourself during bad road conditions, or when someone has cut you off or didn’t’ see you it’s a good idea to get a motorcycle accident lawyer to help you out. Be cautious when you’re driving on the roads while being mindful of road conditions, and don’t make any risky moves where another driver possibly won’t see you.

3. Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions are the most commonly reported motor vehicle accidents at the accident management center. These happen when someone is either following too closely or doesn’t hit the brakes in time and hits the back of your vehicle. It’s a good idea to maintain at least a car’s length of space between you and the person in front of you to avoid these types of accidents. 

Since these types of accidents also usually have a lot of property damage and personal injury it’s also recommended to get a car accident lawyer. A lawyer will make sure you are getting the full amount of damages paid for and any injury settlements necessary.

Common Motor Vehicle Accidents

A lot of motor vehicle accidents can be avoided by being safe and cautious while driving either in a car or on a motorcycle. Now that you know the more common accidents and some tips to avoid them you can be safer on the roads.

Remember, it’s best to maintain speed limits, not be distracted, and maintain a safe driving distance so that you can react properly to anything that happens and not find yourself as part of a statistic.

Like what you’ve read? Be sure to check out our other articles to keep you safe on the roads!