4 Simple Ways to Reward Employees Without Breaking the Bank

4 Simple Ways to Reward Employees Without Breaking the Bank

Did you know that each month, about 3 million to 4 million people quit their jobs? A recent study revealed that 63% of employees left their job due to a lack of recognition.

Employee recognition is crucial for a high-performing, productive workplace. Without it, staff members will feel unmotivated and discouraged, which will lead to poor quality work. 

Yet, employee recognition might sound expensive. But there are ways you can reward employees without making your wallet cry. Here are four simple ways you can do so.

1. Surprise Your Staff With A Day Off

Surprising a staff member with a day off is a great way to reward them. By providing them with a much-needed break, you’ll be showing appreciation for all their hard work. Make it clear that you’ve noticed their job well done and that a day off is their reward. 

Not only will this boost your employee’s motivation, but it will also stir healthy competition within the workplace. If other staff members see that you reward them with a day off, it’ll encourage them to improve their job performance.

2. Say Thank You Often

With all the work that needs to be done, it might be easy to forget to thank your staff whenever they do a good job. So, make sure you always say thank you. Set them aside, acknowledge their work, and thank them for their efforts. 

You can also do so by email or a simple work message. This will help your employees feel seen and valued, which will boost productivity.

3. Public Recognition

Public rewards can be a great morale boost for your employees.

Find an appropriate moment during a work meeting to give praise to one of your employees. And while doing so, get the rest to praise them as well.

4. Employee of the Month

The employee of the month activity has been around for a while now. Becoming an employee of the month can be a huge accomplishment and encourages employees to continue performing well. 

Consider nominating a colleague who consistently goes above and beyond their job description or one who helps others feel comfortable in their roles. These are the types of employees you want in your team, and they’ll be more likely to continue doing great work if they feel recognized for their efforts. 

To make the reward appealing, include some other perks. For example, the employee of the month can get an extra day off, a gift certificate for their favorite restaurant, personalized rewards, or Tastybox best employee gifts.

Reward Employees With These Tips

Employee recognition and appreciation are two important elements of work culture and productivity. Yet, in the hustle-and-bustle of modern life, many people feel like they don’t have time for these forms of positive reinforcement. That’s why it’s important you find ways to reward employees and make it a top priority to do so. If you’d like to keep learning about how to increase productivity in the workplace, check out the rest of our blog! You’ll find similar posts to this.