Find Assisted Living That’s Right for You: 8 Factors to Consider

Find Assisted Living That's Right for You: 8 Factors to Consider

Are you or a loved one getting into trouble living on their own? Is it becoming apparent that choosing an assisted living community is imminent?  

There are 28,900 assisted living communities in the United States with nearly 1 million licensed beds. That’s a lot of communities to choose from.

However, you can find assisted living that’s right for you, if you consider certain factors. Read on to find out what these are. 

1. Location, Location, Location

If you are looking for an assisted living community for your loved ones, you will want to ensure they are close enough to you that you can go visit them often. That’s why location is the first thing to keep in mind when choosing one.

2. Amenities on Offer

You don’t want your loved ones to spend all day long twiddling their thumbs because the assisted living facility has no enticing services to offer. Choose an assisted living facility that offers a wide variety of fun daily and weekly activities to keep residents engaged and active. 

3. Size

Make sure that the assisted living facility isn’t too large so that each nurse or caretaker in the facility is only taking care of a handful of people at once. This way your loved ones won’t feel neglected.

4. Cost

Perhaps you are lucky enough to have a loved one who is covered by some medical or life insurance that takes care of assisted living facility expenses. If not, then you will need to consider the annual costs of living in an assisted living community and how it fits in with your budget.

5. Culture

If your loved one is a shy introvert and doesn’t like mingling, living in an assisted living community that peer pressures them into attending events might be a culture clash. Choose the right community for your loved ones by considering culture.

6. Infection Control/Prevention

The recent pandemic has shown too well the adverse effects of assisted living communities that aren’t prepared for infection control and prevention. Don’t forget to take this factor into account when choosing an assisted living Omaha facility.

7. Customer Reviews

Check out online customer reviews to ensure you are choosing a community that is going to serve your loved ones well. Don’t just rely upon the testimonials that the assisted living community provides for you.

8. Help With Transitioning

How does the community help your loved ones in transitioning from independent living? Make sure they have some sort of moving to assisted living checklist to help with this big change. 

Find Assisted Living That Works for You

You shouldn’t have to try too hard to fit into the culture or community that you have chosen for yourself or your loved ones. It should be an easy transition, almost as if you are moving back home. Use the factors mentioned above to find assisted living that fits best with you. 

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