How to Improve Your Smile: A Simple Guide

How to Improve Your Smile

Are you one of the seven in ten Americans that are self-conscious about their teeth? Perhaps the spaces between your teeth are wider than you’d like, or your teeth are crooked. Maybe you are unhappy with your gum line, or your teeth aren’t as white as they could be. 

No matter your complaint about your smile, this guide will show you how to improve your smile. 

Teeth Whitening 

One of the easiest methods for improving your smile is to whiten them. Many of our daily habits cause stains to darken on our teeth. Far beyond smoking or drinking coffee, eating and drinking will cause your teeth to turn yellow and become dingy over time. 

Skip the drug store over-the-counter products and head to your dentist’s office. The cheap kits that you buy in the store may seem like a quick solution, but they cause more problems in the long run. Your dentist has higher quality systems that take more time but will deliver better and longer-lasting results. 

Teeth Straightening 

If you want a beautiful smile, straighten your teeth. Straight teeth look more attractive, but they are easier to keep clean, which helps prevent stains. From braces to Invisalign, your orthodontist can work with you to determine the best process for fixing your teeth. 

Correct Medical Issues 

Caring for your teeth is about more than cosmetic features and qualities. Having healthy teeth and gums also reduces cavities, decay, and bacteria buildup. You won’t smile as big if you are in pain. 

Your dentist can address any medical issues your teeth or gums suffer from. For example, you may need a TMJ treatment that fixes the alignment of your upper and lower jawbones. If left untreated, you could suffer a sore jaw, headaches, malnutrition, and a misaligned smile. 

Full Mouth Overhaul 

If you are truly unhappy with your entire smile, you may need to start all over. Veneers can completely change the color, size, and shape of your teeth to give you an entirely new smile. This process requires taking models of your existing teeth, making the veneers, and adhering them to your teeth. 

Learn How to Smile 

Sometimes, you just need to learn how to smile better. Don’t overly stress your face by trying to smile big. A natural smile where your face remains relaxed will have a more photogenic quality. 

Stand up straight with good posture to project an air of confidence. Look the person in the eye who you are smiling at. Doing these things will have others thinking that you’re smile is more attractive. 

How to Improve Your Smile

Knowing how to take good care of your teeth is a must for knowing how to improve your smile. If you need more help, speak with your dentist about creating a treatment plan that includes a combination of straightening, whitening, or even veneers. 

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