CBD Oil For Dogs – A Safe and Effective Natural Alternative

CBD Oil For Dogs – A Safe and Effective Natural Alternative

An extract that is derived from the buds and flowers of hemp or marijuana plant is known as Cannabidiol or CBD for short. When extracted for commercial and consumer value, the THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is removed from the oil and stored in bottles for personal use. This is also now being used on pets to gain the same benefits as it does for us.

In terms of its legality, in the USA, hemp extracts have been made legal in all 50 states and the Farm Bill helped towards this cause. Click here to read all about it. As long as the value of the THC is less than 0.3%, consumers can use it.

When it comes to our pets, there has been more research done on dogs than on cats, and it has been noted to provide a good number of benefits. As a safe and natural alternative, not everyone has taken advantage of this, and if you don’t reap the benefits, you may be left behind. Perhaps some people are still sceptical whether it is safe or not. The below information will help clear things out for you.

The Safety of CBD For Dogs

It may be something that not every dog gets accustomed to, but there are ways you can still introduce it to them. As an all-natural treatment for various health conditions, it has grown in popularity very fast and even some holistic veterinarians have recommended it, as long as it is pure and without any adulterated toxic ingredients in it.

Preliminary studies done on the substance proved that dogs have a high tolerance towards it, and conditions such as mild diarrhoea were elevated with constant use over a given period. There were no immediate side-effects found in its usage and unlike many other common animal drugs on the market, there was no harm done to their liver: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7029731/

Other similar clinical trials were concluded to find some of the other favourable benefits which included treatment of pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, aggression, neurological disorders and seizures. As if this is not enough to prove the validity of its safety, tons of online forums discuss this among pet owners who have been giving their dogs the plant extract.

In comparison to reports of benefits versus side effects, there have been no negative health concerns or reports of threatening side effects linked to the usage of CBD oils, foods and treats for our pets. This is not to say you can give it to them without any precaution, as some of these studies are still in their infancy.

The best course of action to take is to always speak to your vet about it, and seek their guidance. Many can also recommend the best brands on the market which are not filled with various toxic substances, that do more harm to your canine than good. So before you reach for the store shelves, do your homework and research to find out which ones are the good ones, via customer reviews, and website information, to put your mind at ease.

Numerous companies have already been blacklisted by the FDA for pumping their products with unnecessary chemicals and additives, leading you to buy a bottle of the oil that contains less than 2% of the pure stuff and the remaining harmful chemicals.

How It Can It Help Your Dog

Now that we’ve gotten the safety discussion out of the way, let’s look at some of the benefits it can provide to your pooch. It doesn’t matter which form of CBD you choose, however, some of them do act faster than others. The oil, for instance, is one of the more versatile formats, because you can use it almost anything, both inside and on top of food items.

There are also things such as dog treats, food and supplements, but the consensus is that the oil is a purer form of them all. Some of the known benefits it can provide four-legged creatures include, but are not limited to:

  • Digestion problems
  • Arthritis & joint pain
  • Moderate to severe pain
  • Symptoms from cancer
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Epileptic seizures

Choosing the Best One

When finding a good quality product, always make sure you keep in mind a few considerations:

The levels of THC inside: first and foremost, the THC levels is something you check. Anything that has less than 0.3% is fine. Some products may contain more, but it’s best to steer clear of these unless you want your doggy to get high.

The method of processing: it is also important to check which processing methods the brand uses. If this information is not readily available on the bottle, find it on their website and search online on other information sources. The safest methods would be cold press extraction or using carbon dioxide to extract the pure form and keep any THC aside.

Organic vs Non-Organic: it is always best to stick to organic products. This is especially the case when buying cbd for dogs, as high-quality brands usually always keep them as pure and organic as possible. This means that they are devoid of any hidden harmful substances such as solvents, propane, butane or hexane.

Lab tests: reputable companies will almost always have their lab-tested reports available to the public on their website. They will also need to show a certificate of analysis (COA), which proves they do not use pesticides or heavy metals in their products.

Doing your research is key to ensuring the safety of these products especially when you are giving them to your pets.