Your Definitive Guide of Choosing a Basketball

Your Definitive Guide of Choosing a Basketball

Basketball is played by two opposing teams to score goals by throwing a ball through the hoops at the end of both courts. It is one of the fascinating sports played, and children and adults enjoy this sport alike. You will require basketball equipment like basketball rings or hoops, nets, scoreboards, and so forth to play the sport. Additionally, you must also obtain an inflated ball. This inflated ball is used in basketball, and it shares the name with the sport. After all, you cannot play basketball without this ball. For sure, you might be excited about playing the game. But you don’t know how to choose a basketball. So, read further and gain immense knowledge about basketball.

How to choose a basketball by size?

Choosing the right basketball by size is easy, provided that you know who will be utilising it and the kind of court that will be used.

  1. Mini Basketball

Mini basketballs are beneficial as they support eye coordination and proper handling. They weigh 8-12 oz and come with a 22 inches circumference.

  1. Kids Basketball

For kids below the age of 10, it is preferable to select the basketball with size 5. They weigh 18-20 oz and come with a circumference of 27.5 inches. Generally, the small hands of the kids fit properly around the ball. But just in case your child has slightly larger hands, then you can choose a slightly bigger ball.

  1. Transition Basketball

Transition basketball or intermediate-size basketball is played by children of 11 to 15 years. The size of the ball is 6, and it is perfect for those who are transitioning from young teens to adults. It weighs 20 oz and comes with a 28.5 inches circumference. This basketball is used in many high school or college competitions by young adults.

  1. Official Basketball Size

National Basketball Association or NBA basketballs are utilised by professionals or young adults above the age of 16. This size seven ball weighs 22 oz and measures 29.5 inches in circumference.

How to choose a basketball by material?

There are two types of basketball courts, namely indoor and outdoor. If you use the wrong basketball for any indoor or outdoor court, it leads to faster damage of the basketballs. Given below are three materials that are suitable for indoor courts or outdoor courts.

  1. Leather Material

If you want a basketball specifically for the indoors, you can select the ball with the leather material because of its durability and excellent grip. It works best in indoor courts that are made out of wood. And you should steer clear of outdoor courts since they are made of asphalt or concrete, which can damage the basketballs’ material and decrease the durability.

  1. Synthetic Material

Basketballs designed with synthetic material are utilised in indoor and outdoor courts because of their durability and the fact that they don’t wear out quickly. They are created with composite leather and give the player the feel of leather. Synthetic basketballs are less expensive than leather basketballs and more costly than rubber basketballs.  

  1. Rubber Material

If you are a beginner and want to practise basketball, you must opt for the rubber ball. It is not only affordable but also appropriate for outdoor courts due to its durability.

How to choose a basketball by colour?

When it comes to basketballs, most people are familiar with the colour burnt orange. As a matter of fact, there are different colours available for kids and adults. Let’s have a look at some of them.

  1. Basketball Colours for Kids

As long as the basketball is colourful, kids enjoy playing with them. You can get the basketball in a variety of colours like red to blue, yellow, white and so on.

  1. Basketball Colours for Females

Although many young female adults have no preference for basketball colours, some still like colours of red and white, yellow and pink, and so forth. You can avail a wide range of basketballs with different colours in any basketball equipment store online.

  1. Basketball Colours for Professionals

The burnt orange colour is utilised in basketball to denote visibility. This colour is used in many professional competitions like NBA, FIBA, and so forth. If you are a professional, then this basketball is right for you.