11 Dog Grooming Tips You Need to Know

11 Dog Grooming Tips You Need to Know

Every pet parent has made this mistake at some point. You let your little furry friend sleep with you on the bed, only for you to clean your sheets sooner than you expect.

Let’s face it: Grooming time isn’t the easiest time for pet parents. When your pet becomes agitated, it’s natural to want to avoid grooming completely.

In fact, 56% of pet parents don’t wash their dogs as often as they should. Many blame the lack of efficient grooming tips, claiming that getting their dogs in the tub is a battle. While bath times may be difficult, grooming is essential for your dog’s health.

So, what should you do to keep your fur baby clean? Read on for some surefire dog grooming tips.

1. Train Your Dog to Enjoy Grooming Time

Train your dog to look forward to grooming the same way you train them to react to certain words. Most dog owners recommend using treats and praises when your dog does as it’s supposed to.

Ideally, you can spread peanut butter on the edge of your tub and allow your pup to lick it during grooming. Combine that with phrases your dog considers praises to get them to keep still during bath time.

Don’t forget to keep your dog safe by laying out a slip-proof mat at the edge of the tub. Remember, they’re less likely to look forward to grooming if they slip afterward.

2. Create a Routine

Dogs are a lot like babies in terms of routines. The faster you get your pup used to a routine, the easier it’ll be to get them to do what you want.

Start with simple things like giving specific treats before grooming. Then, let your pet get used to your grooming equipment.

Maintain the same shampoo, brush, and trimmer, so your dog knows when it’s grooming time. Also, maintain the same grooming spot to get your dog to cooperate.

3. Trim Your Fur Baby’s Hair

Taking your dog to a grooming company for trimming is the best choice for their safety. But, you may need to do some trimming at home in between professional grooming sessions.

Trimming sessions should always be approached with caution because any mistake could endanger your pet. Trim their hair when they’re calmest and reward them afterward if they stay still.

Trimming will make your dog more comfortable and prevent infections. It’ll also make bath times more manageable for you as you won’t have to deal with a lot of hair.

4. Use the Right Shampoo

Finding the right shampoo is crucial for efficient pet care. Like humans, dogs need different shampoos for varying needs.

Most oatmeal-based shampoos are excellent for dogs since they prevent dry skin. However, you may need different kinds depending on your dog’s condition. Hypoallergenic shampoos are excellent choices for dogs with sensitive skin.

Consider your pet’s age when purchasing shampoo, as not all will be suitable for your dog. Puppies need specially-formulated shampoos to prevent skin irritations and tearing up.

5. Use Lukewarm Water

Dogs are sensitive to water temperature, so you need to be cautious when warming their water. Avoid cold water as they’ll be uncomfortable and resist bath times. Hot water may burn their skin and also cause a lot of resistance.

Test the water you’re about to use first. Can you bathe in the same water? If so, you can go ahead and wash your dog.

6. Brush Your Dog’s Hair

All dog breeds need regular brushing to keep their coats glossy. The number of brushes per week will depend on your dog’s breed, as some need more brushing than others. Short-haired breeds like greyhounds need less frequent brushing than long-haired breeds.

But, you shouldn’t only reserve brushing for days when you’re not washing your dog. Brushing is also crucial during bath times, as this is the easiest time to detangle your dog’s hair. Detangling is essential as it prevents matting, which harbors parasites.

7. Check Your Dog’s Ears

Most pet parents focus on their pets’ hair and forget their ears. Ears can harbor a lot of dirt and cause your dog some discomfort, so it’s essential to clean them.

Take a cloth during pet grooming sessions and wipe inside and around your dog’s ears. This prevents wax build-up and ear infections.

You can also pluck your dog’s ear hairs to get rid of mites and yeast. Be careful when doing so, as it can be uncomfortable for them.

8. Clean Your Dog’s Teeth

Did you know that over 80% of dogs above three years old have dental diseases? This results from poor dental hygiene, as pet parents rarely brush their teeth. Brush your dog’s teeth at least once a week to prevent tooth decay. 

9. Take Care of Your Dog’s Paws and Nails

Dogs’ paws and nails collect a lot of dirt as they walk. You’ll need to pay extra attention to these parts during pet care.

Start by trimming your dog’s nails and the hair between their footpads. Be careful not to cut the nails too short, as this can cause pain. Then, wash the paws and nails with a cloth or soft brush.

10. Get Help

To be honest, even the most disciplined dogs will cause some trouble during trimming. You can buy a device to help keep them still during grooming.

Alternatively, you can ask your loved ones to hold them down to speed up the process. Give the dog some treats afterward to gain their trust back. The last thing you want is your dog associating grooming with being held down.

11. Don’t Overdo It

Pet grooming is critical for your dog’s comfort and health. However, this does not imply that you should bathe your dog every day.

Most experts recommend washing them after several weeks. The exact number of weeks depends on your dog’s lifestyle, coat type, and health. If you’re unsure about how to groom, learn about self service dog washes

Enhance Your Pet’s Wellbeing With These Grooming Tips

Dogs don’t enjoy grooming, so they’ll most likely resist bath times. Getting them to enjoy grooming will take time, but you’ll get there with these grooming tips and a bit of patience.

Remember, a dog is a lot like a baby. Treat it as you would your child, and watch as everything becomes more manageable.

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