Try not to Delay Very Early-Stage Breast Cancer Surgery

According to a recent report by the Annals of Surgical Oncology, those patients who went for chemotherapy after more than 120 days of diagnosis of breast cancer had a lower survival rate than the others.


An expert oncologist from a famous cancer treatment hospital in Delhi agreed that delayed chemotherapies often lead to adverse outcomes. One other research that was presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Surgery Symposium presented that the patients with triple-negative breast cancer had the worst chances of survival if the chemo process was started after 30 days of initial diagnosis.


Scientists in the ongoing examination used the National Cancer Database to distinguish patients with type I, II, or III breast cancer that was treated with the medical procedure followed by chemotherapy somewhere in between 2010 and 2014. The time interim from finding to the receipt of medical procedure and possible adjuvant chemotherapy was surveyed, and survival outcomes were projected.


Patients were likewise gathered by sort of medical procedure that they were treated with. Those medical procedure types included breast cancer surgery, mastectomy with prompt breast recreation, and mastectomy without quick breast reconstruction. Chemotherapy was started over 120 days after the conclusion of breast cancer was viewed as a treatment delay. According to one of the best oncologists in India, fatality can be successfully prevented if the patient goes for chemotherapy at least within 20 days of early diagnosis.


The initial delays mainly occur due to the hesitation from the patient’s side to choosing the correct procedure of treatment and also because they waste too much time in selecting the right place for surgery. A survey data of 100 breast cancer patients from India revealed that the primary ignorance of the symptoms led to initial delays, and hence the survival chances decreased with every day that passed.


Many breast cancer awareness programs try to highlight the need for clinical diagnosis, and many of them also teach ways for self early diagnosis. There are various global campaigns that are related to the cause of breast cancer awareness, and all of them state that breast cancer is a widespread type of cancer and can happen to anyone irrespective of their general health. In the United States of America, there is an official breast cancer awareness month which is observed every year. However, in India, the woman living in the rural areas is little aware of the severity of the problem, and it often goes unreported until other symptoms arise. Unfortunately, it’s too late by then, and even the best oncologist in India will be able to do little to save the patient.


In the year 2012, over 70000 women died of breast cancer in India, which is quite high when compared to the rest of the world. In order to save the life of the patient and increase their chances of a healthy life after treatment, it is best to get the chemotherapy done at the earliest.